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Activating & Integrating 7 Sacred Principles
For Co-Creating the Future Now

  If you're waiting for something better in the future, confused or uncertain about what's next, join us over two weekends for a 7 step exploration of your unique, creative expression in the now.  


  Learn and apply sacred principles to create the inner and outer environment that supports you in releasing the past and living more fully in each moment while co-creating your optimum future.


Webinar Replays
with Karen Holbrook & Cyndi Silva
Sliding Scale Enrollment
Suggested Offering: $55
All contributions are accepted and appreciated.

Schedule & Syllabus

Each session includes detailed guidance and instructions for identifying and activating the inner temple and constructing an outer temple.  Integrative meditations and a Q & A period are included. Each session can be downloaded as an MP3 or replayed online. Detailed notes and graphically rich slides accompany the audio.

Part One

  • Introducing the 7 Principles of Sacred Space
  • Vectoring principle #1 - Water
  • Vectoring principle #2 - Magnetism
  • Activating sacred principles of Water and Magnetism
  • Meditation and fieldwork for integrating principles 1&2

Part Two

  • Grounding principle #3 - Sacred Measure
  • Grounding principle #4 - Anchoring
  • Activating principles of Sacred Measure and Anchoring
  • Meditation and fieldwork for integrating principles 3&4

Part Three

  • Defining principle #5 - Sacred Geometry
  • Defining principle #6 - Orientation
  • Activating principles of Sacred Geometry and Orientation
  • Meditation and fieldwork for integrating principles 5&6

Part Four

  • Activating principle #7 - Intention
  • Grouping the layers of creation with intentional integration
  • Opening the Body Temple to intelligent exchange with Sacred Self
  • Pulsing the Temple with Cosmic Intelligence and Liquid Love


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Cyndi Silva

Guided by her intuition, Cyndi uses a co-creative process to design virtual structures through which individuals have open access to network with each other as well as tap into the collective wisdom of the whole. The result is an open and inclusive environment that empowers individuals to access rich, diverse and naturally occurring intuitive benefits, while developing their own.

Cyndi's vision is to empower humanity to experience increased flow and synchronicity through our innate intelligence and intuitive knowing. She's committed to offering experiences and creating environments that promote cooperation and generate mutual benefits for expansion and integration.

Karen 'Kazzy' Holbrook

Kazzy is an international facilitator of the Cosmic Pulse and Zero Point Healing. She teaches through in person 1:1 sessions, webinars and live workshops. She lives in Guernsey a small British island off the coast of France.

Kazzy is a radical, practical, cutting edge teacher of non-duality, inner peace, expansion, and wholeness. She holds the space for you to create miracles in your life, as you let go of all 'you' that blocks true nature flow and abundance.

This 4 part series is hosted by Metaphysical Wisdom