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More on Ascension Symptoms

More on Ascension symptoms and tingling
• Posted by Joanna on September 18, 2009 at 12:33pm
•  View Joanna's blog
And the ascension process mimics menopause very closely,
with short term memory loss, hot flashes and night sweats, heightened
emotions,abdominal weight gain, food cravings, an inability to lose weight (no
matter what we do!), sleeplessness, and the like.

Notes on ascension:
Intent to ascend is not to be taken lightly. Ascension is a spiritual
choice that will ring forth great change within one's life experience.
For eons, the spiritual journey of humanity has involved alternating spans
of time between life in a physical body and life on the plane of spirit.
Living within a physical body entails limitations that do not exist
during the intervening periods on the spiritual plane. When we enter a
physical body, we leave behind most memories of prior lifetimes on Earth. By age 4 or 5, most of us have forgotten our experiences on the plane of spirit. The reasons for our soul's choice to enter another physical body are buried within our subconscious minds. We begin to view the present incarnation as the only time we have, or will, experience life on Earth. Sadly, our
societal institutions allow us-even encourage us-to remain in this amnesic state of consciousness. The inevitable result is that we feel separated
from God and cut off from the root of our being. Not knowing where our
roots extend, we view every part of creation as separate from ourselves. We
stand alone on an empty island.
We embark on the process of ascension when we open our conscious
awareness to comprehending the truth about ourselves and all of creation. We can ever learn all there is to know; however, with each new awareness we
ascend into fuller consciousness. Most persons presently incarnated on
Earth have thus far-consciously or unconsciously-chosen to follow "the
broad path," meaning to meander their way into an expanded
consciousness. To walk the broad path is permissible and will eventually achieve the same desired goal. On the other hand, many are choosing to tread the "narrow path" that requires a dedicated and conscious intention to pursue a continuing unfolding of higher consciousness-an awareness that extends into the higher realms of spirit and allows for the existence of an
unending cosmos of living beings. The narrow path takes us straight up the
mountain. The difference in the disciplinary effort involved is easily understood by comparing two approaches to the summit. One, we can choose to slowly walk around and around the mountain, gradually reaching the top, or two, we can climb the strenuous, rocky path straight up the mountain. Either way, all
will eventually attain the goal of ascension. The major events in the life of Jesus reveal the narrow path to ascension. The narrow path is the Way of Initiation and Service to others. Jesus incarnated at the beginning of the Piscean Age to show us the Way on the Path of Initiation. It has taken humanity an entire age (2000+ years) to reach the stage of consciously desiring to ascend into a higher realization of Truth. We now stand on the brink of a tremendous shift in perception. This shift will lift planet Earth and its inhabitants from the 3rd dimensional, physical plane of awareness to the 5th dimensional realization of a New Heaven and a New Earth. No negativity can enter the 5th dimension. It is for this reason that each of us must walk either the broad path or the narrow path into 5th dimensional consciousness.
Ascension takes place as we become beings of Light and Love, attuned to the divinity within, and cognizant that we are One with all that is. The ascension process brings about the reunion of each of the thousands of parts of self that have detached over the course of 30,000 years of human history, and 3 major declines in vibration. As each piece is embraced, the fear held stagnant within one's own field is dissolved into the frequencies of forgiveness, compassion, unity and love. As enough of the unconscious is embraced, fear dissolves and freedom follows. It is out of freedom that one chooses to leave behind relationships that no longer serve, or a location that does not support one's further ascension, or a job that one is complete with. Each step of freedom brings greater joy, expansion, and liberation within the ascending human's life experience.

Symptoms of Ascension
Ascension brings about the expansion of the auric field, the chakras, the subtle bodies and the etheric body that surrounds the form. This ultimately translates down to a physical expansion that follows suit. This expansion will be for all species, including those in human form who choose to ascend. The expansion will also include the global body of Earth. The expansion of Earth will take many centuries and will be gradual enough to allow for humanity along with other species to move as needed as the Earth body is reconstituted. Why is expansion necessary to ascend? The expansion comes hand in hand with a new biological and biochemical structure that holds a new vibration. This new cellular structure not only holds a higher vibration but is larger in size, which ultimately causes the entire body to grow in the process. It is not just the human form that will increase in size but all species, including the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms along with the dolphins and whales. This expansion will be roughly a twenty per cent increase overall in size and weight. Ascension brings about restitution in the genetic material an vibration that all forms experience on Earth. For the human form, this restitution causes many new glands and organs to grow in the form that allow for the new cellular structure to subsist and results in a renewed level of joy and unity consciousness to prevail in the human experience.

First and foremost, both the lungs and diaphragm grow to allow for the experience of 'conscious breath,' which is not to be confused with hyperventilation but rather with the ability to collect oxygen and convert it into eight types of blood sugar. The blood sugar feeds the crystalline
cellular structure, which has a much higher metabolic rate, so much higher in fact that you could not eat enough to sustain the crystalline form. In order to collect oxygen for this purpose, the diaphragm grows over the ribs, creating multiple pockets in which the oxygen can be collected
as it passes from the lungs to the circulatory system. This new crystalline diaphragm will cause the entire ribcage to grow.

In ascension, the body grows. Not unlike a growing child that sleeps longer as the form is restructured to a larger size, so this is also true in the process of ascension. Humanity assumes that six to eight hours of sleep is enough and believes that there is something wrong with needing nine to twelve hours. We therefore guide those who are ascending to give their embodiment what it needs, which may include longer hours of sleep than prior to embarking on the path of ascension. The choice to ascend is a spiritual choice. This choice brings about a resurrection of what has become decayed or diseased in the form and anchors a new unity consciousness paradigm into the human embodiment. Consciousness is physical, and therefore embracing another level of awareness requires the biological transmutation of the form. This commitment may require you to rearrange you life accordingly, placing your spiritual journey above other seeming endeavors that perhaps have been considered of great importance in your life. Those who are ascending will place their need for more sleep ahead of an active nightlife and take care of their form in this manner. There is a medical diagnosis known as 'chronic fatigue syndrome' in your
current civilization that is actually a symptom of ascension. As the body moves up in vibration, it requires more 'chi' to sustain consciousness in a given day, week or month. If you are not adept at collecting chi in your form, the result is an ongoing sensation of tiredness.

As each part of the form is transfigured, the old cellular structure dissolves, giving birth to a new structure that is crystalline. For some who are sensitive, this can be a particularly uncomfortable experience until enough of the form has been transmuted to allow for a new
vibration to take hold in the overall structure of the form. The body aches and pains will be directly related to regions in the etheric body that are blocked or stuck.
The act of walking and moving the kundahlini helps to move the energetic blockage, allowing the pain to be eased. As enough of the form has ascended to a new vibration, ongoing aches and
pains become a thing of the past. Until that time, I guide you to utilize whatever herbs, homeopathic remedies, aromatherapy, acupuncture, mud baths, mineral pools, salt baths or massage necessary to move the pain. Know that it is temporary, and the body is simply being prepared to hold the 'light' of a higher vibration and thought form.

As the cells are transmuted in ascension, viruses that may have hidden for your entire lifetime may surface to be cleansed. Sometimes these viruses will also create a minor outbreak of a related disease for a short time. I ask you not to panic when this outbreak flares and understand that it will pass as the current phase of ascension that has been triggered has been transcended in full. At these times, I guide you to boost the immune system with colloidal silver and colloidal gold, which kills viruses and bacteria on contact in your system. Our channels have also found that colloidal silver may also be dropped into the eyes, ears and nose or sprayed into the lungs to help with infections that may occur as the result of the ascension of these regions. There are many other herbs that are anti-viral and anti-bacterial that our channels have also found useful during these times, including Echinacea and Golden Seal. Sometimes, when a virus has collected in the nervous system, it will cause the related nerve to swell, causing the symptom of a pinched-nerve. Again, this is a symptom of ascension and will pass. Also, some nervous systems randomly fire, causing seeming symptoms of involuntary muscular contraction. At those times, certain herbs have been found useful by our channels to help treat these symptoms, including Valerian Root, Passion Flower and Kava Kava.

Often, while asleep, the kundahlini runs unrestricted by your consciousness, leading to the experience of night sweats. Sometimes the kundahlini surges during the day, creating the experience of 'hot flashes.' Both are the result of burning off the karma necessary to ascend
during a particular day or evening. Know that it is a symptom of ascension and not to be feared or worried about.

Humans have become very concerned about diet. Yes, indeed, the toxic mess you have created has polluted your environment, affecting all species. And yes, these toxins do come through your food, often in alarming amounts. Do not be alarmed. Know that each toxin is only a particular
vibration. In ascension, new vibrations are added that dissolve and transmute the old, which are indeed toxic. This occurs a little at a time, over a many year period.

Ascension requires specific nutrients during each phase of development. Early on, our channel discovered that she craved foods heavy in cholesterol. She chose eggs and cheese to supply her form with what was required for her to ascend. You see, as the form is converted to the crystalline cellular structure, each cell receives a new lipid or fat coating that is cholesterol based. This fat coating holds a higher vibration or frequency than the protein that once held the cell wall or membrane together. The craving of foods high in fat is the natural outcome of ascension, and we guide you not to deny yourself. However, I suggest eating what is fresh and not processed if at all possible.

The crystalline cell holds more salt or sodium chloride than the old cellular structure. As a result, it is salt that you often crave during certain phases of ascension. The salt is being utilized and will not create high blood pressure or heart disease if you are ascending. Likewise, potassium chloride is being released at a parallel rate to the salt being added. This often creates a situation in which you are bloated with water retention, which is directly related to a sodium/potassium imbalance. I guide you not to utilize diuretics at this time but rather to drink lots of
water to flush the potassium out of the system and take nightly 45-minute sits-baths in Epsom salts to draw the excess potassium out through the skin.

The crystalline cell also brings forth an alteration of the amino acid chains. Some chains require the consumption of certain proteins not found in vegetables. During these periods, I guide you to eat a little fresh fish, chicken, pork or meat several times per week. Some digestive tracts have a hard time digesting the heavier meats, in which case fish is recommended instead. We guide you to eat meat, which is freshly prepared and not canned, frozen or dried. Fresh meat will be full of chi along with the nutrients you need to bring forth a certain segment of ascension. Consuming a little protein each day will also assist in keeping soul grounded in the form with greater ease and therefore serves in sustaining your energy level as well. We recognize that some humans are concerned about the animal kingdoms and believe profusely in vegetarianism. We guide those humans to understand that the animal kingdoms have agreed to support all life on Earth in their
ascension. These species have agreed to being consumed and are in joy in the greater understanding that it will bring forth a new tomorrow based on unity and harmony. Therefore, I ask that you set aside your concerns and do what is necessary to ascend.

This can be felt as: body aches, head and neck aches and stiffness (remember, the spine area, especially around the neck, is where we are sprouting our New higher vibrating angel wings). In addition, that old familiar memory loss and brain fog kicked in as it always does when we
are navigating to a higher vibrating space of residency. Not being able to remember the slightest things, a fair amount of confusion, difficulties with comprehension (try learning natural building when your brain is out of gear!), an inability to hold onto much with analytical thought, a feeling
that you really don't know a thing, and even perhaps feeling that you are really nowhere anymore (this is because we aren't, as we are in a transitional space). And each of us has our own specific ways that we purge. You may purge and align through your back, or in your chest area through coughing, or even through your bowels or bladder. These phases of movement from on dimensional or vibrating space to another are frequent and will continue on for a very long time. And because of this, it is vitally important that we remain courteous and present as much as possible. Frequently, when things seem to be "out" and not "in," we can feel unsupported and disconnected from others, but this need not be the case. There exists a common pattern where one is tempted to put their head in the sand when the energy feels gone, or the tide is out, but that only proves
to greatly magnify the situation. If we all did this every time the energy shifted, how in the world could we support our brothers and sisters? This pattern only makes things much worse. What if I refused to write an energy alert when things got rough? This is when we need each other the most
and we truly need to be there supporting each other. We are all in this together, and placing oneself in seclusion only creates more separation energy. Withdrawing and holding onto things more tightly when the energy is "out" simply creates much more unpleasantness. The focus, then, is still on our New roles, and we are getting ever closer as we progress though these stages. When there is re-arranging movement with the energy, it generally feels like chaos and much in the path of getting where we want to go. Things don't seem to flow or line can feel like nothing fits.
Energies bump into each other as they move around, and tempers can rise and fuses can be short. But when the dust settles, like energies are now more than ever attached to other like energies and a grand union can be felt. These stages of movement are always temporary, as pretty much
everything is anyway. And with all the moving energies that are going this way and that way, it can feel as though you cannot count on a thing. "Is anything ever consistent?" one may wonder. "First it is this way, and then the story changes and it is that way. Nothing is making sense and there is no stability! It is near impossible to function this way!" And with things seemingly not working, one may be tempted to change plans on a very frequent basis. Your very New space is the space where your heart is. What really feels good to you? What flows more than anything else? Where are you when you can exhale and let go? Resistance energy occurs when a person
has not yet let go of the old. Letting go of the old relates to many areas as well. It involves letting go of much of the old ways and 3D manifestations, but mostly it involves letting go of the belief that we have to do everything ourselves. We have resistance when we are still wanting to
be in charge of everything. When we want everything our way, and are coming from our disconnect or mental minds. We block the energy flow that wants to arrive from Source, as we are in the way. When we think that we know everything, we cannot be open to any New and higher ways. Resistance also creates a block in unity. We cannot blend with others in the perfect
unity that was intended if we believe we are the sole responsibility for making everything happen. The higher the vibration we find ourselves residing in, the more these higher ways of surrender or letting go become evident, as we now need to be embodying a lifestyle of the higher realms. Insecurity energy can occur because we may be feeling ignored or looked past and de-valued. If there are many who are in resistance energy, this can reverberate out and create, then, the insecurity energy for others! But know that if you are feeling completely un-noticed, it is most likely because you are not being seen by others who are in another lower vibrating space. And this lower vibrating space is the space of "I have to do it all.I am burdened.I am stressed.I am tired.I can't see past the situation I am in," or even perhaps an insensitivity to anything outside of ourselves.

Intense fatigue and tiredness are two of the predominant symptoms of their shift. They feel exhausted all the time, and just want to sleep. And when they do sleep, they sleep deeply and do not want to get up. So, what is happening, and why do we feel this way. There are three different processes that cause the fatigue. These are:
Emotional Body Clearing De-toxification of the Physical and Subtle Bodies
Full Multi-Dimensional Consciousness
Each of these aspects can be handled in a different way. Emotional Body Clearing At the beginning of the process, we undergo intense emotional body clearing. This involves clearing the psyche and the subconscious of all old patterns of trauma and self-sabotage.The intensity of this process will depend on how much clearing you have already done in your preparation for ascension. I am a healer, and I helped many people to prepare, but never really found the time to fully complete my own process, so when I hit the transition I experienced intense emotional body processing for several months. The stuff just poured out of my subconscious, and I had weird
dreams and anxiety attacks as I battled to process the trauma of my inner child. This kind of trauma release is exhausting! Some people don't fully realise what is happening, as they do most of their releasing through dream work at night. But those who suffer anxiety attacks are often doing this processing during the day. At this point you may need help to work with letting go of old patterns being held by the Inner Child. This is where you need to really do your Inner Child work. Find a good therapist, do a workshop, or find a good book, but let go of the patterns of your wounded inner child! And then understand that while you are doing this clearing you will be
exhausted. You have spent most of your life repressing these energies.Processing them is hard work. But worth it! when you are finished you will have cleared your psyche of subconscious patterns of self-sabotage, and will be able to function from a space of complete clarity and purity of intention. De-Toxification of the Physical and Subtle Bodies This process of deep cleansing is associated with the processes mentioned above. As the emotions are released, so are all the old mental and physical blocks and patterns that are associated with them.
These old "toxic" energies are passed through the subtle bodies and cleared through the physical. In addition, any old toxins that the physical body is holding will be cleared at this time. This process of cleansing and de-toxification puts considerable strain on the organs of elimination, being the kidneys and the liver. Hence many of you may experience having bags under your eyes, evidence of kidney stress, and digestive disturbances such as heartburn and flatulence, evidence
of liver stress. In addition you may experience pains in the joints, which is
also a characteristic of detoxification, as excess acids are released from their storage in the body. In addition, these processes of elimination will also make you feel tired, and you may be prone to headaches - all symptoms of detoxification. That is why you will need to drink lots of clear, clean water and try to eat a healthy diet as far as is possible. Full Multi-Dimensional
Consciousness.This is the most exciting part, and happens throughout the process. It is responsible for the "spaciness" that so many of you are feeling. Explaining it in terms of the frequencies of the brain waves. As you enter mutli-dimensional awareness, you expand the range of consciousness that your body can handle and the ways in which it is handled. The brainwave frequencies are as follows:
Beta- "normal" waking consciousness
Alpha - light meditation
Theta - deep meditation
Delta - the sleep state or deep hypnosis
Gamma - rapid eye movement or the deepest state of sleep/hypnosis where operations can be performed without pain
A third-dimensional being functions in the Beta range, and moves into Alpha
in states of creativity and prayer. A fifth-dimensional being functions between Beta/Alpha Theta in the normal waking state. Your multi-dimensional awarenss allows your consciousness to shift in this range, while you are awake!!! But this is what causes "fatigue". Your body has always recognised Theta as a state of deep relaxation prior to sleep, and so when your brain waves shift to Theta it sends you a message to say that you are tired and about to go to sleep! And so because we are conditioned to respond to that cue with tiredness and sleep, we feel that we need to go and sleep. A sixth-dimensional being in training for full 9D Christ Consciousness will
be learning to move through Delta to Gamma in the normal waking state!! Now your body definitely thinks it's asleep!! The trick is to learn to move with these states, without panicking or getting "lost" in a dream-like state. Those of us who are doing this work often feel like we are
living in a slow-mo dream world, and this is in fact true. We are living in the dream state in our waking consciousness. This will take a while to master, but once mastered it is the key to immense creativity and the manifestation of "miracles". In this deep state of consciousness we can literally bend and shape time and matter with pure intention. So, understand that your body is learning to adapt to a different range of brain-wave frequencies. A Note of Caution Please be careful when in any of the above states that you are aware of the following:
Stay Grounded. Work at keeping in your body. Do not take recreational drugs or smoke dope at this time, it will interfere with the natural expansion of consciousness. Distinguish between real tiredness and expanded consciousness. Be kind to yourself. If you feel tired - rest. In fact, you
will need significant amounts of rest as you pass through this process. if you try to overdo things you will become hyper and will probably crash into exhaustion anyway. Be careful. If you are driving a car, concentrate and focus. So many people are having accidents because they are unaware on what happens when their brain shifts frequencies. It is just a matter of being grounded and concentrating. Tell your body and your guidance that for the duration of the journey you need to be able to concentrate fully on what you are doing. Relax - it will pass. Soon you will become used to working with these different frequencies. I have begun to have a lot of fun with the dreamy, spacey state, and I am learning to use the creativity that it engenders. I am also learning how to shift frequencies at will.
SYMPTOMS,CONTINUED....headaches, pressure in the ears, neck and upper back
stiffness, heart palpitations, a feeling of hyperventilating, sleeplessness even though you may be very tired, and even a need to eat often. Emotionally, they can manifest as edginess, snappiness, shortness of temper and tolerance, inability to focus and sit still, and even
bewilderment. Many have been experiencing shoulder pain. Rotator cuff problems, stiffness, and other shoulder maladies seem to be at epidemic proportions. We are being asked to balance our energies in regard to how we move our energy in the world. We are readying ourselves to be the New creators for the very New Planet Earth. We then need to be clear and ready in regard to
healthy and higher level ways of creating and using our energies in regard to integrating them with Source.
Right shoulder pain and stiffness is an indicator that you are taking too much on yourself. You are taking too much of the responsibility, and therefore, do not have the full use of your right side as you need to give it a rest. If you are having this experience, it is best to begin receiving
and taking care of yourself. Bask more, do more creative and fun projects, allow yourself to be pampered, and take a specially designated day just for you. It is about receiving. When we show the Universe that we need to take a break and want the Universe to take over, it will follow our lead. Sounds strange, and it is not what we are used to, but by taking a time out much more will actually manifest and occur all on its own when we are out of the way. If you are having left shoulder pain, you are being asked to balance your energy in regard to putting your energy out there and demanding what it is that you want. No more standing back and allowing everything and
everyone else to dictate what will occur in your life. The dizziness can return as we are moving ahead into a higher dimension. Experiences of not being fully present in your body. Spaciness. Confusion. Panic and anxiety can also occur as our ego and human selves do not know what is happening or where we are headed. Emotions running high? Apparent frustration? Feeling deflated, powerless, confused or acutely disappointed? Too many sudden changes? Not sure where you are? Can't get comfortable anywhere? Nothing to hold onto or nowhere to go that feels right? There is a very simple explanation here: We are going from upside down to right side
up. Anything not in alignment with our highest selves and our highest soul purpose had the opportunity to leave, if we only chose to go this route. So then, our bodies needed to let go of older, denser energies as well. And as the pattern continues as it has for several years now, we release in order to allow "room" to receive more light. And in this process we become
clearer, the illusions become evident, and we are able to connect to Source in a far better and easier way.
Exhaustion, night sweats, hot flashes, depression, lethargy, lifelessness, untimely menses, strange bowel habits, lots of aches and pains, rashes, bladder infections and so forth are the usual signs that one is "detoxing." This time, much of the detoxing and aligning was evident in the physical
body. you may be inspired to cleanse and begin eating a very healthy diet. Head Colds and Body Stiffness. If you've been feeling like you have a head cold, or even a full body sinus ache, with stiffness and pressure, you are most likely participating in yet another purging or transmutation process.