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Carol Hannum, D.D..... The Holon Method
Introducing the Holon Method

Support Carols New Book

Personal and Group Healing Webinar
Thursday, August 2nd at 6 pm PT

Receive a personal Quick Hit and Group Healing with Carol from the comfort of your own home. Cost: $22


Listen to a 40 second
Feedback from Ruby on
Septembers Call


  Replay from intro call on Sept. 6, 2011

Health Commands Process of the Holon Method
  • Is effective at a distance as well as in person as it connects with your high self or superconscious.
  • Is  highly effective on animals.
  • Is effective for children, home bound and hospitalized people.
  • Does not involve extensive training to learn.
  • Is effective for self healing.
  • Often requires only one or two sessions to begin reversal of disease.
 Website: | email: | ph. 707-829-1475

Carol Maikalani Hannum D.D.
Holistic Readings and Balancing
POB 2401 Sebastopol, Ca 95473
Toll free: 888-213-3411
NEW Live Individual & Group Healing 
The Next Group Healing is
Thursday, August 2 @ 6 pm Pacific

Carol will give "Personal Quick Hits" and A Group Healing to participants. Receive personal information regarding your persistent health challenge and group healing with Carol from the comfort of your own home.
Cost: $22
Primary Email

The Holon Method is a healing modality created to purify the body, mind and spirit, regenerate tissue, correct genetic weakness and vitalize many other body/mind functions. The unique system of ʻHealth Commandsʼ delivers instructions to spirit for generating changes in the physical body. Emotional and physical causes of symptoms are addressed and quickly released in each session.

"Carol last worked with me on March 23, 2006.  I have osteopenia (not sure if that's spelled correctly) and it was a great session--at the end of the session she excitedly told me she thought she'd actually increased the size of my spine.  I said I believed her.  She said to let her know if that turned out to be the case. 
My doctor orders the bone density testing for me every 2 years, and after my next bone density test I had an appointment at the doctor's office to get the results.  When she walked in the first thing she said, looking at the paperwork, was, "OK, what are you taking?"  I said, "what do you mean?"  She said, "I tried to get you to take Fosimax and you wouldn't, so what are you taking?"  I said I was taking the calcium and vitamin D daily when I remembered to.  She said, "Well your spine has increased in size."  She couldn't believe it had increased in size since it had only been losing density for about 6 years. 

At my last bone density test, my spine was still holding strong and not losing any further density 5 years later." 

Gaynelle Hirsch
Austin, Texas

"I was guided by a friend to work with Carol when I shared with them that I was told that my uterus was enlarged and had fibroid tumors. After one session with Carol, I felt a huge sense of inner peace, calm and connectedness within my body. That very day and many days to follow I started to attract genuine attention from people all around me. I attribute these new connections that were made externally with the wonderful healing work Carol performed on my body. I feel there is a direct connection to the healing of my uterus and the genuine, loving connections I have made ever sense."

Life Coach
Boulder, CO

Listen to a Client Testimonial

"Carol is a pioneer in telepathic healing." –Hulda Clark, N.D., Author
"I am ecstatic about this work!" –Mike Cermignano, Medical Massage Therapist, NYC
"I had a healing experience with Carol this past week. I noticed much tightness in my chest while Carol worked with my heart issues, shortly after there was a deep feeling of calm that is still present with me. I was amazed and pleased with the shift that I felt after our session. I immediately booked appointments for my daughters. I am still feeling the subtle yet powerful results." Peggy Black
"I consulted Carol for complications and pain I was having that she identified as a kidney stone. Medical testing confirmed her diagnosis and the Urologist recommended surgery to remove the stone. Carol used the Holon Method to reduce the size of the stone which allowed me to pass it without invasive and expensive surgical procedures. She also assisted my father in working with an enlarged prostate which was causing restrictions in urinary flow. He reported experiencing a steady stream the very next day for the first time in weeks." Cyndi Silva
"Carol Hannum is a healing genius!  As a medical intuitive and healer for 20 years I have specialized in working with a lot of advanced, cutting edge healing methods, and The Holon Method TM  modality is certainly at the top of the list!  I am honored to be one of her students and to have had the opportunity to meet Carol and learn her wonderful method."  Holly Gotlind, HI.

"Carol Hannum's Holon Method  is light years beyond most energy healing systems. It is fast, precise, effective and self empowering. The carefully fashioned ' Health Commands' are an invaluable tool for anyone interested in staying healthy and helping others with health issues. Most importantly, we learn to employ our innate Divine healing power, as co-creators with spirit."  Victoria Hoch- Shamanic and Energy healing Practitioner.

"In my life I have searched to the corners of the alternative health field and haven’t come up with any practice quite so powerful as the Holon Method™. Not only can it make amazing changes in people I work with, but it provides me with the tools to improve and maintain my health!" –Amia Adonai, Attorney, Hawaii
The Holon Method:

A System of Spiritual Healing

· Guide the inner physician to create greater health and vitality
· Optimize energy flow in all channels, meridians and bioelectric circuits
· Clear harmful toxins, microbes and parasites
· Heal or remove damaged cells and precursor cells
· Resolve traumas and injuries
· Generate beneficial effects for mitigating genetic weakness
· Provide Symptom relief and reversal for spinal problems and chronic conditions such as CFIDS, Developmental Disabilities, Autism, Myofascial ailments, MS, Carol Hannum, D.D.: I have dedicated myself to the elimination of disease through the efficient, non-invasive methods possible.