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Ortrun Franklin is the Director of “Key of Life, Meditation Experiences.”  Presently, she is the Master Initiator in the series “2013 The Mystery School.” On the second Monday of each month she offers a program called Egyptian Initiatory Temples on WIN, Wisdom & Intuition Network. Ortrun is often guest of radio and TV and now offers her own internet radio show “Key of Life- The Mystery School.”  In 1978, she became a student of the writings of Master Hamid Bey, a student of the esoteric Mystery School of Egypt. 

As an ordained Minister of Coptic Fellowship International she has held various positions: Creator/Director/Administrator and Trainer at the highest level of Coptic training “The Coptic Minister Program”; Co-Secretary of The Board of Directors; Creator/Administrator of the Sarasota Coptic Conference; Creator of the Coptic Healing Service; Teacher/Host of a Coptic Center; plus,  a Counselor, Speaker and Seminar/Workshop Leader.

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